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Worker Engagement in Human Rights Due Diligence: Learnings from a Pilot in Outsourced Cleaning

April 2024

This report, produced by FLEX in partnership with the Latin American Women’s Rights Service (LAWRS) details the findings and learnings from a project piloting worker engagement in human rights due diligence (HRDD) for outsourced cleaning services. The pilot was born out of the need to meaningfully engage workers to implement systems that respond to the needs and priorities of workers in practice. Drawing on existing research into the cleaning sector, regulatory frameworks, existing HRDD initiatives and, most notably, the voice of workers, FLEX developed tools to assess company policies and practices as they relate to the procurement of cleaning services, in order to guide the ethical procurement of services and raise standards. FLEX then piloted the worker-informed tools with two UK based companies that were keen to better understand conditions for workers in their supply chains. The project is part of FLEX’s efforts to develop and strengthen HRDD and bridge the gap between research and practice. 

The Learnings report from this pilot project can be found below